
Recognizing the unique environmental challenges and responsibilities associated with the sectors of our operation, we are dedicated to establishing a solid foundation for our environmental commitments.

Areas of focus


We set targets to reduce the environmental impact of our activities and actively manage our environmental impacts.

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The future is green. We are actively investing in renewable energy sources and trying to use them to cover an increasing proportion of our consumption.

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Our environmental approach

We are dedicated to protecting the environment through sustainable resource management and waste reduction. Our focus includes minimizing harmful chemicals, improving water quality, and promoting water reuse globally. We also prioritize the expansion of renewable energy sources, ensuring that economic growth is achieved with respect for the planet and its resources.

tree planting

Contribution to the environmental SDGs

clean water
Clean water and sanitation

The CSG group recognizes the importance of water and sanitation to human health and well-being. It therefore promotes access to clean water and sanitary facilities for all employees in its operations and implements sustainable water management practices to reduce water consumption and minimize the impact on available water resources.

Afforable and clean energy
Affordable and clean energy

The CSG group actively promotes the use of available and clean energy. It invests in renewable energy resources such as solar and wind energy and supports the development of new energy technologies to reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to global efforts in the fight against climate change.

decent work
Decent work and economic growth

The CSG group creates dignified and safe working conditions. It promotes fair and ethical employment practices, including diversity and inclusion, and invests in the education and training of its employees.

responsible consumption
Responsible consuption and production

The CSG group has set the principle of responsible consumption and production in its companies. It respects sustainable practices such as reducing waste through recycling programmes and, where possible, the use of environmentally friendly materials.

Projects with significant environmental impacts

Hydrogen TATRA

The prototype vehicle builds on the latest, third-generation Tatra Force model, known for its robust and reliable chassis, tailored for demanding industrial applications. The hydrogen propulsion system used introduces a sustainable alternative to conventional fuel, promising high efficiency and environmental friendliness. The project leverages long-standing expertise in hydrogen technologies, aiming to pave the way for a new era of clean mobility solutions.

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Hydrogen Tatra

Emergency Water from Air (EWA)


The EWA device represents a significant leap forward in water conservation technology, offering a sustainable solution to water scarcity in arid regions. Developed with the support of European Union funding, EWA can produce 25 to 30 liters of water per day, outperforming existing technologies in efficiency and effectiveness. Its ability to provide clean water in desert environments opens up new avenues for addressing the critical need for accessible drinking water in some of the world’s most water-scarce areas.


Green Core Solutions

The “Green Core” line represents a significant innovation in ammunition technology, featuring wads produced from 100% biodegradable and compostable material. This material is EN 13432 certified, ensuring that it degrades by at least 90% within six months under conditions rich in carbon dioxide, and decomposes 90% of its mass into fragments smaller than 2 mm when in contact with organic materials over a period of three months. This groundbreaking feature guarantees that its decomposition residues do not harm flora or fauna, as they do not contain microplastics.

Green Core