Group administration and management

We are dedicated to driving the organization's success through effective leadership, strategic planning, and operational excellence. By coordinating efforts across all divisions, our management team ensures that our resources are utilized efficiently, and our goals are aligned with our long-term vision of the Group.
Group administration and management

Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors with relevant professional knowledge and experiences

By ensuring that top management is equipped with the necessary knowledge and expertise to understand and navigate the complexities of ESG-related risks and impacts. We aim to foster a corporate culture where sustainability is more than just a compliance requirement. It is a strategic opportunity for innovation and leadership in corporate responsibility

Sustainability as a key part of CSG group management structure

We have established a Sustainability Committee, consisting of seven top managers, to serve as the primary governing body for ESG matters. This committee meets monthly to manage the ESG agenda, ensuring that the Group’s actions remain in steadfast alignment with its sustainability objectives. It holds the authority to approve ESG strategies, documents, and roadmaps, guiding us toward enhanced sustainability practices.

About governance

CSG governance model

Our governance model is designed to enhance shareholder value while ensuring robust oversight of corporate risks and fostering transparency with all market participants. By upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct, we aim to facilitate informed and responsible decision-making processes that align with our long-term strategic objectives. This approach not only strengthens stakeholder trust but also reinforces our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices.

Governance in CSG divisions

Divisions are led by Managing Directors, who are responsible for overseeing the divisions‘ operations and strategic direction. The Managing Directors act as the primary link between the division and the Board of Directors, ensuring alignment with the company's overall goals. Key responsibilities include developing and implementing strategic plans, managing day-to-day operations, overseeing financial performance, setting and monitoring performance targets, and providing regular updates to the Board.